ALDSE Language Arts:
1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
1.16 Use illustrations and details in a text to describe its key details.
1.18 Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, procedures).
1.23 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
1.32 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
1.40 With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
a. Sort words into categories (e.g., colors, clothing) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent.
b. Define words by category and by one or more key attributes (e.g., a duck is a bird that swims; a tiger is a large cat with stripes).
2.Student Outcome:
I. Define the terms riddle and character.
II. Create stick puppets using required materials.
III. Correctly spell names of animals from text.
IV. Mimic movements and express feelings through dramatic movements from the text "Whose Mouse Are You?"
V. Read grade level a readers theater script with fluency from the text Whose Mouse Are You?.
3. Materials:
Animal Stick Puppets
- Craft sticks
- tape or glue
- pictures of animals (llama, kangaroo, bat, swan, cow and seal)
- construction paper
- scissors
- foam letters or letter cut-outs
- Internet for YouTube Video
I. The teacher will do a walk through of the book "Is Your Mama a Llama?" The teacher will explain to the students that riddles are like poems that have clues. The teacher will also make mention of the rare words that are used in the story. During the story, students should be given the opportunity to add words to the Word I Want To Know Chart:
Words I Want You To Know
Words You Want To Know
II. The students will then watch the You Tube video of Is Your Mama a Llama (Original Song). Students will be encouraged to sing along with the song. Link: Is Your Mama a Llama? Song
III. As a group activity, The students will then do riddle cards in which they solve the riddles in the book.
Follow the link to find the printable riddle
cards: http://www.bookitprogram.com/redzone/Read&Do/mothers/RiddleCards.pdf
IV. Individual work will include word sort and an animal craft.
Word Sort Directions: This can be done using small group or individually, depending on the sets of word sort cards you have. Teacher makes a mat by gluing Places and Animals labels onto construction paper or card stock. Print a set of words (cave, llama, mountains, etc) for students and cut out. The students will sort words into places and animals.
Animal Craft Directions: The following link gives instructions for family puppets.
Family Puppets using Animals For this activity we will use pictures of animals from the text as craft pictures. Print a page of animals for each student. Then follow the directions from the link.
V. Reader's Theater: Whose Mouse Are You? The teacher should read the text in whole group. Point out that the mouse is looking for a family similar to how the llama was looking for it's mother. Help students in making comparisons between the two texts. Give reader's theater strips to groups of students. Allow time for rehearsal and to get familiar with their lines.
Reader’s Theatre
Whose Mouse Are You?
By Robert Kraus
Friend 1
Friend 2
Friend 3
Narrator: There
was a mouse who was questioned by his friends.
Friend 1: Whose mouse are you?
Mouse: Nobody’s mouse
Narrator: The
friends were surprised because they had a family. So they asked:
Friend 2: Where
is your mother?
Mouse: Inside the cat Friend 3: Where is your father? Mouse: Caught in a trap Friend 2: Where is your sister? Mouse: Far from home Friend 3: Where is your brother? Mouse: I have none
Friend 1: What
will you do?
Narrator: The
friends and mouse come up with some good ideas.
Mouse: Shake
my mother out of the cat!
Friend 2: You can free your father from the trap! Friend 3: You can find your sister and bring her home Mouse: Wish for a brother, as I have none
Narrator: And he did! Now that his family was back,
his friends asked....
Friend 1: Now whose mouse are you?
Friend 2: Your mother’s mouse, she loves you so.
Friend 3: Your father’s mouse, from head to toe. Mouse: My sister’s mouse, she loves me too. My brother’s mouse… ALL FRIENDS: Your brother’s mouse? Mouse: My brother’s mouse — he’s brand new! By Africa Floyd |
5. Assessment:
This lesson will use the rubric below as an assessment tool.
6. Vocabulary:
7. Extention:
Students can expand their thinking about animals and their babies by making a Moms and Babies book. Follow the link to the site:
YouTube Video Streaming
Is Your Mama A Llama Flow Map
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